We have fun trying different tastes here at the European Pantry. Today, we offered customers a chance to compare two different ways of using feta. We started with “kajmak” style feta. This is a smooth creamy feta that is very amenable to making spreads with. First, we added pesto for an antipasto option. We served this on whole wheat Paris toasts but this spread can hold its own on any savoury cracker that brings its own flavour to the table, too. Next, we mixed wild lingonberries to the feta. The tart berries compliment the salty tones of the feta but offer a totally different taste
experience than the pesto option. We served this with Nairn’s roughly milled Scottish oat crackers. But it would be great on a bagel! Of course, you don’t need to add anything to feta which is a versatile cheese with so many uses…you can find both the creamy “kajmak” style or a Balkan style crumbly feta here at the European Pantry.
“KEEPER OF THE KEYS” HINT: Your jar of pesto will keep in your fridge longer it you scrape the pesto down off the sides with a spoon and then pour a thin layer of olive oil to cover. The olive oil will congeal in the fridge and seal off the pesto. The oil will also take on the pesto flavour and can be used to season a salad or can be brushed on bread. Just remember to add more oil as you use some.