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 The Handmade Home

Creating “A Place to Come Home To” cannot be achieved by shopping from a catalogue. On the contrary, European homes are often informal museums of family history. Some might be cluttered; Others might have a very spare esthetic. However, nothing is extremely precious and everything has a story. In their book, The Handmade Home, Mark and Sally Bailey describe home as “a place where you can let your creative side loose – somewhere to display your favourite things, where handmade pieces and other treasures sit harmoniously alongside” the necessary fixtures of life. The Baileys conclude that, “your home can become a work of art in its own right.” Here at The European Pantry that is a philosophy we also live by. Every handmade home creation we offer has a story behind it.  However, we also believe that everyone has a innate need to create. That is why we are passionate about helping people discover their own inner creativity. 


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