Poffertje Pan – Cast Iron
Poffertjes are small raised pancakes baked in these special pans. In Denmark similar mini pancakes are called aebleskivers. Each recess is filled with batter from a squirt bottle. Koopman’s Poffertje mix is also available at The European Pantry. Poffertjes are served sprinkles with powdered sugar or with whipped cream, chocolate syrup and strawberries. If you want to get fancy you can fill them. Put a bit of batter into first, then a bit of filling like Nutella, jam or pie filling, and covering the filling with a bit more batter. If you want very puffy pancakes, separate your eggs, beat the egg whites to peaks and add them into the rest of the batter just before baking….oh in Holland people say they bake their pancakes, “pannekoeken bakken” even though they really are fried. 23.5 c. pan
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